IMPORTANT! Please note that while you can share the ACP eligibility information with the customer, you may not confirm a customer’s eligibility or approval status.


  • Provide access to a Comcast iPad or other Comcast connected device to allow the customer to apply online through the NV consumer portal but MUST ensure the device will not save the customer’s NV application credentials or PII

  • Provide them with a copy of the NV application instructions and USAC guidelines on acceptable documentation

  • Give the customer the phone number to the USAC ACP Support Center if the customer has questions about the NV application: (877) 384-2575


  • Stand next to or near consumers as they complete the online NV application

  • Access the online NV application or enter any information in the application for the consumer

  • Provide any assistance to customers or guide customers as they complete the NV application through the NV consumer portal