Choosing the Location with the Customer in Mind

When you decide where to set up and sell, understanding your target customer is crucial.

Lots of things factor into choosing your location, but the most important factors are knowing who your product benefits the most and where they spend time. If you’re offering a product that best suits the needs of a particular demographic, you should set up in places where that demographic is going to be.

For example, if you are selling a product such as water purification, rooftop solar, or pest control, and you're setting up a tent to sell these items, a high school football game in an area of town that has middle to upper income population would make sense. For internet-based products where income constraints are considered for qualification, you might consider setting up at government services locations.

Another factor to consider is whether the location will be “high traffic” at that time of day. Consider setting up in a neighborhood where lots of people are coming and going. To be successful with what you’re offering, you need to make sure that the people you’re talking to are suited for the services that you’re offering to them.


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